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JAN Feb 2003
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 Larger Script Issues
 posted on 2003.02.08 around midnighuish by solstice
Novella has never really had a script. At least, not in the sense that is conventionally thought. Our so-called scripts have only gone ahead a few episodes, and most are ignored or changed significantly by the time an actual episode is put together.

That began to change this week.

I've finally convinced myself to stop for awhile and put together a complete start-to-finish script. At the moment, I only have outlines for some of the major events in the story -- most of which are in chapter 4.

If I continue as I am with this project, it will ultimatly lead to slipshod writing and drawing. Novella is a very (personally) important story to me, and I'd be very disappointed if it wasn't told with all due effort.

I hope this won't take longer then the month of Feburary.

::{ }::
 The Miki Revolution
 posted on 2003.01.30 around 09ish by solstice
I had a wonderful idea for Miki's character earlier this week. It has the possiblity of making her more dynamic as well as more interesting, but it's not without problems.

The new idea clashes with some of the plot elements of the current storyline. It will take me some time to resolve those clashes in a way that improves the story.

On another note, I'll soon be posting a new piece of artwork instead of a new strip. In addition to my illness this week, I found out I have an exam on friday. I've been spending most of my cognesent freetime finishing assignments and studying. Moreover, I'm still unsure of myself for the next story arc.

::{ }::
 posted on 2003.01.27 around 09ish by solstice
I've come to the conclusion I must have come down with something this last week. It's been difficult to concentrate, and I haven't been sleeping well either. So things have been a little slow this last week.

I've also found it difficult to really become too concerned with due dates and the like lately. Afterall, in about four months, college will be over for me. No more homework, no more after-class jobs that take up my project-time for DE... It isn't a pleasent trade-off either, I need not mention the cliche about the "real world".

The keenspace server -- where the mirror to our Novella project is stored, had a hard-drive crash last week. Since (I think) most visitors to that project go through keenspace, I'm going to keep the current episode up for a little longer. And, until this vague illness of mine is finished, new comics will be postponed.

Sorry about this, but that's how it is.

::{ }::
 Novella 2.5 "Vessel Concluded"
 posted on 2003.01.18 around midnighuish by solstice
This didn't take as long in terms of hours, but it certainly did in terms of motivation. Most of these episodes were made under the Winter Vacation Bubble, and now it's back to class.

So it was late. Instead of brating myself, I tried to push the quality of my artwork a bit more. The sketch turned out to be one of the best that I've done yet, but the shading seems to be lacking. I have a vague idea of why, but whether to not I'll fix it in the immeadate future or not is something I haven't decided.

More than anything, the slipping scheadule lately has given me some time to think out how Novella is updated. There's always been a story-arc stucture to the strip since the first chapter, and yet, I post things epsisodically. It really seems quite silly.

One comic that shares the same structure is Demonology 101. The solution there was to post all pages of the arc in one grand post. The downside is there can sometimes be weeks (on average 2) before the arc is posted.

Given the current time investment per episode of Novella I would guess it would be almost 3 if not 4 weeks before I update the thing. That's with college concidered. In a few short months that too will be over. A real job might give me *more* free time since it's not polluted by homework.

The advantage would certainly be directorial: I could actually think of the entire arc as a whole, instead of individual pages that make up a whole. Perhaps I'll even afford the time to storyboard it first and catch potential errors there...

I'll think about this for awhile, email me with any suggestions.

::{ }::
 Slipping to on-schedule
 posted on 2003.01.11 around 6ish by solstice
The new episodes have been showing up "late", or at least they have from my prespective. I suppose if you weren't following closely, one might even think that I was updating "early", and in that case, I'm not going to argue with you. ^_~

I've moved back to my college apartment after spending over two weeks at my parents house. Needless to say, this took the entire day. A day that I could have spent drawing.

Since the comic was updated last thursday, this week it will "slip" again to it's traditional friday.

To make up for it, I bring you Plastic Novella Action Figures, with real Angst Action! Okay, just kidding...

Update: Make that a bit later than friday, I forgot how difficult it is for me to actually put together an episode over a weekend.

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2002 Denizen Entertainment, by Solstice