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Chapter 1: Introductions
A little hybrid pic of bryce and Photoshop. It just seemed appropriate.
"No Free Will for Creatives"
I actually didn't script this one, more or less I came up with it on the fly. I felt that I needed something to more gently introduce the story -- especially it's main character.
"A Paradox"
Novella completes the journal entry. Again, I needed something more to continue on the previous episode.
"Diametric Similars"
So similar and yet so different. Sounds like my friends and I. This episode connects my little ad lib back in No Free Will For Creative to the script I've already written. If I keep that script is an even better question. ^_^
Perhaps the most loathed of all my college experiences. Everything felt so alien, and yet I wanted to explore and discover my new home for the next four years myself. Instead I was forced into naturalization exercises. Yuck. This is much like the original Orientation, a few little differences.
Miki finally graces the scene. I needed a way for the two characters to mean and this worked the best out of the scores of possibilities I'd come up with. I was also quite lazy in not creating a background, but I thought you'd be sick of lockers by now anyways.
"Admission Continued"
I honestly didn't think that it would take three episodes to do this one script, oh well.
"Admission Concluded"
Novella's dilemma is finally revealed. SO, if you still have no idea where the story may be going for the former half...
"Forbidden Subjects"
Notice the date! The entry was written nearly four years before "No Free Will for Creative". This is how I'm going to explain Novella's backstory, through journaling and paralleling with current events in the story.
"Forbidden Subjects Continued"
Another ad lib episode. Originally, Miki was to meet Rama and Rasa before class, but I've been unhappy with the script I wrote since I took a more moody approach to Novella. Besides, Miki is perhaps the second most important character to the story, and I haven't even introduced her dilemma yet!
"Forbidden Subjects Concluded"
The point here is a subtle one, and really, really subjective. Focus on the expressions and you'll get the meaning.
The return of Akisa! And I bet no one even missed her...pity, she's my favorite. I'm still unhappy about the bottom panel, but I still couldn't think of anything else to draw.
"Dualism Continued"
I debated with myself far longer than I should have for this one. I'm not exactly pleased with it, but it does seem to at least work. Akisa is so difficult to write dialog for...
"Dualism Concluded"
I don't know, I just thought more journaling mystique would be appropriate.
And you thought that it was only Novella who did anything resembling journaling... A bit of a format change here to take advantage of the larger sketchbook I've been using. The image Akisa is drawing is in fact an older one of mine.
"Secrets Continued"
This was part of the original script, one of the last things before Kaze.
"Secrets Concluded"
Kaze's introduction to Novella. The composition notebook in the foreground is a bit oversized, but oh well. The title reads "Trace", which is somewhat of a DE in-joke. Oh and, Kaze is a male character, so there. ^_~
"Just One Story"
Kaze is the president of the college's writing club, known as the Winged Scribe. Unfortunately, there's been a bit of problem with one of his stories as of late... is Hosted by Keenspace, a free hosting service for webcomics. is hosted by Denizen Entertainment, so there.
2002 Denizen Entertainment, by Solstice